
    First Aid
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


  • HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support


  • HLTAID011 Provide first aid


  • HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting


  • RAMOAP (Recognition and Management of Anaphylaxis Program)



  • PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organization. (Warden)


  • PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organization. (Chief Warden)


  • PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility. (Fire Extinguishers) 


  • Evacuation Drill 
Security Awareness 

Gaining the knowledge and understanding on how to maintain security awareness throughout the workplace with ongoing dynamic security risk assessment strategies.

Control & Restraint / Defensive Tactic

Undertake a structured system of controlled defensive and offensive body movements used to respond to a subject's aggression or resistance to prevent further injury to others or oneself by utilising reasonable force.

Personal Threats
(Active Armed Shooters)

How to respond to high level critical incidents to maximize safety and welfare to all staff and clients/customers within the vicinity.

Batons & Handcuffs

Safely operate batons and handcuffs within the workplace.

(Currently not available)

Tactical Communication 

Providing skills and capabilities to ensure individuals have the required techniques to deal with conflict, manage anxiety, improve operational safety and tactical communication skills in the workplace. Demonstrate key verbal and non-verbal tactics used to gain compliance, gather information, build rapport, and enhance safety for others and oneself.

Operating Equipment
(Non and Emergency)

Operating and handling safety equipment in the workplace to assist with everyday duties or incident/emergency control. (Two-way Radios, Handheld Metal Detectors, Torches, Lighting Batons, Safety Signs, Air Horns, Megaphones, Barricades, Spill Kits and other operational tools).


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Training and assessment delivered on behalf of Skills Network Australia Proprietary Limited, Registered Training Organization number four one four one zero.